因为市场上存在不正当的价格竞争,我公司特此通知,从2006年10月1日起,瑞声达公司将会加强对经销商商业政策的管理力度,.即日起, 各经销商给客户的折扣价应至少维持在瑞声达公司零售价的80%,换句话说,折扣率最高达到20%.
To all GN ReSound dealers
We kindly inform you that due to several unfortunate incidents, GN ReSound has as per 1st October 2006 reinforced it's commercial policy towards dealers. Dealers must observe that prices during periods of promotion minimum must be advertised 80% payment price based on GN ReSound's official retail pricelist, i.e. a maximum discount of 20% allowed.
The reason for this is that we have found some dealers to be in breach of the laws and regulations in China:
1)It is not legal by law to place misleading price advertisements, i.e. some dealers advertise a general 50-60% payment price but then do not mention this is only for 1 product or 1 type of product. This is not legal and harmful to GN ReSound's image.
2)The sales of a HI is not only covering the hearing instrument but also the test, diagnostics, fitting and after sales service. If the dealers just lower their prices then they will not be able to support users with e.g. after sales service.
GN ReSound will take action against any dealer found to be in breach of this regulation.
If you have any questions, please contact us.